Civil Justice Versus Criminal Justice

Since you met, they email you daily. They seem loving and caring. They are a good listener. They appeal to your way of life, and they appear to be that perfect fit for your taste and personality. Children... Animals... ? They want children, they love your animals... what more could you want?

You think you may be soulmates. But before you go any further, think about this: They may be an online predator, one of thousands of con artists and sexual predators crawling Internet dating sites for hopeful romantics just like you. They have victimized others by stealing their trust, hearts and their money. And now they are after you... there are some horrible people hiding in the shadows looking to capitalize off of your hope and trust.

Did they tell you they have money, or claimed they are a lawyer or an executive. They may have bragged about their business or their waterfront estate. They said they have never had financial difficulty or had any liens and judgments against them. Is there a history of criminal behavior or are they a sexual predator? Could they be lying?

Love is blind, but you don't have to be.

Don't become another statistic... For the price of a dinner out, you can order your "Peace of Mind" from background search specialist. They can thoroughly examine their private and professional background along with any criminal records. A good background investigation includes bankruptcies, liens and judgments. Conducting this search will give you peace of mind.

There are some dishonest characters out there, protect yourself by getting all the facts up front.

1) Are they married or divorced? 2) What type of assets or debts do they have? 3) Do they have a criminal record? 4) Do they have any kids? 5) Do they have any pending lawsuits?

Most search specialists can conduct a background search confidentially. You probably do not want the subject of the background check to know you are investigating their integrity. Yet taking the time to have a discreet, thorough background search can save you heartbreak or worse in the future.
by Jim Ross

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