Law Firms Appreciate Synchronization of Commence CRM

Many small and mid-sized businesses (SMB), including law firms, have taken notice of Commence Corporation (, a provider of on-premise and hosted web-based solutions designed specifically for this businesses sector. The company is gaining momentum and marketshare with Commence On-Demand, a suite of CRM (customer relationship management) applications that is deployed as software as a service (SaaS). 

Nearly twenty years ago Huck and Brisske, llc, based in Wheaton, IL selected Commence CRM. According to Heinz Brisske, "Initially, we really liked the customizability of the program. As a law firm, there weren't many programs out there that could accomplish all of what we could do with Commence, and the fact that the program allowed us to synchronize everyone's computer in real time was a tremendous benefit." Synchronization is Key:

"Keeping everyone's calendars synchronized in real time is the biggest benefit. The second most important benefit from Commence would change as we changed. Because of our ability to customize the program, it could keep up with all of the changes that we underwent. The third is that we have a single calendar and client and contact database program that allows us to keep in touch with all of our contacts," according the Brisske. Brisske's praise of Commence continued, "The most pleasant part of the experience has been the hands-on support that we get. The support team is always prompt, and will take whatever time it takes to help us through any issues that we are experiencing. Finally, for such a complex program to have as few issues as we've had over the years is amazing. We literally go months without ever having to contact support." Brisske noted that Commence CRM is particularly valuable to law firms: "In our business, the only changes are the ones we deal with on a regular basis. As a law firm, as the areas of law that we practice in have changed, or as needs change, or as technology changes, Commence has allowed us to keep pace." 

According to Larry Caretsky, President of Commence CRM, "We are delighted that Huck and Brisske and other law firms are able to gain so much benefit from the technology solutions we provide."

About Commence Corporation

Commence Corporation is a leading provider of Customer Relationship Management solutions. The company's products are designed to provide growing businesses with flexible solutions that leverage the Web to offer an integrated platform for managing sales execution and customer service. Commence supports several thousand customers through a worldwide distribution network, with outlets in North and South America, Europe and Asia.

by Thomas R. Cutle

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A Legal Case Management software takes care of many features to enable a smooth operation in any organization its implemented in. Some of the features of CMS include case database, tracking time, assembly of documents, contact management, calendaring and docketing and managing time and billing.
Rujul CRM